Monday, October 8, 2012

Run baby run....

 Since my second daughter get chicken pop (pox)
i had to be stay -at- home- mom back...
things a bit kelam kabut first since it quite bad jugak memula
memula start both of them muntah non stop and sakit perut
pastu keluar blister...
we all actually dah prepared dh sbb one of their cousin get chicken pox
so mmg tlh dijangka and menjangka la kannn...
but xsangka pulak stylenye a bit different..
xkisah lah... now dh masuk hari yg ke 5 dh ok sket...

 ni kt toilet curve...
singgah kejap to tapau the big apple for the kids
eh bukan beli kt toilet curve... hehehe
actually just came back for weekend routine which is beli brg2 keperluan kt tesco
so, since anak2 xde selera nk mkn so beli lah something yg boleh bg diorang mkn
and kebetulan at that time i lapor sgt...
read the prkataan LAPOR...
yup lapor sgt sbb dh tgh hari waktu tu...
so xsabor dh nk tgu sampai rumah
tu yg masuk kejap toilet curve tu sbb nk basuh tgn...
tp pantang nengok cermin
 and cermin kt curve ni kt ilusi slimmmmmmm
so jgn susah hati... i masih blum lg fit in size 6.. haha

ada ke org nk tau i pakai ape.. ;P
wink wink

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