Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sweet thingsssss....

Alhamdulillah for everything that HE just gave to me... The nikmat, the rahmah n even the test that HE always put on me.. I beleives everything that happenes will make me a better person, bringing out the best from me n the most important thing makes me more taqwa... Insya Allah.. I hope will never be out of the right lane, always in the right path.. Ameeennn


  1. akak story la masuk tv ka hahaha amboi lame tak jumpe tau2 dah ke tv dahh kakak gojes ai sorang ni ...retiss sangat tauu hahahha..akk minggu ni kami turun kl kot leh dating hehehe kot boleh masuk tv skali hahahhaha

  2. ehehehe... xla retis sgt punnn... kekeke... nk story here i maluuu... hikhikhik
